If your children suffer from anxiety and frequent or semi-frequent panic attacks, you may be researching different ways to help support them and soothe them. Anxiety is a fairly common condition in children and can be mitigated and managed with the right combination of approaches. For example, ensuring that your child is well-rested, well-hydrated, well-fed and is filling in any nutritional gaps with supplements such as organic iron may help to keep him or her in good physical health and even reduce the risk of panic attacks. If you’re not sure what to do to help ease your kids’ anxiety, here are the signs to look out for and the steps you can take starting today.
How To Tell if Your Child Has Anxiety
Before you can begin to seriously address toddler stress and anxiety, it’s important to look for some common symptoms and consult your child’s pediatrician. Many young children sometimes display sudden changes in behavior, for example, as an early sign of anxiety. Your child may have anxiety if he or she experiences:

- Frequent bouts of aggression, irritation or angry behavior
- Constant fidgeting
- A persistent fear of certain types of situations
- Wetting the bed or using the toilet more often than usual
- Refusal or reluctance to eat as normal
- Difficulty concentrating and performing well in school
- Unexpected bouts of fatigue and exhaustion
What To Do To Help Your Child’s Anxiety
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help alleviate your child’s anxiety right away. Just as you might support your child’s physical health with Wellements vitamin drops, so too can you support your little one’s mental health with emotional support. To prevent panic attacks and reduce your child’s anxiety, you may wish to:

- Teach your little one effective soothing and coping mechanisms for when he or she starts to feel anxious, such as counting to ten and taking a deep breath, writing out his or her feelings in a journal, going for a short walk, taking a nap and so on;
- Ask your doctor about the common warning signs of an impending anxiety attack and help your child to identify those signs in order to prevent panicking;
- Practice relaxing activities with your child, such as meditation, playing sports or doing yoga, and provide him or her with a complete diet to keep him or her as physically and mentally healthy as possible.
If you’ve noticed signs of anxiety in your child recently or if he or she has already been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, there are a few steps that you as a parent can take to help ease your child’s anxiety and support his or her emotional well-being. Whether your child is experiencing significant stress at home, difficulties at school or something else, teaching him or her coping mechanisms, watching out for potential panic attack symptoms and relaxing alongside him or her can potentially make a major difference in your child’s mental and emotional health. You can start following these three tips today.