The Different Types of SEO for Businesses: A Quick Guide

Are you looking to drive more traffic to your website? We are getting close to 2 billion websites worldwide, so standing out from the crowd is becoming more difficult every day.

The solution is SEO. Search engine optimization allows Google, Bing, and Yahoo! to rank your website. The better you rank, the higher your traffic will be. 

There are different types of SEO strategies you can implement. So keep reading to find out what they are!

Technical SEO

Optimization of your website starts with the foundation, which is your coding and back-end operations. 

Google has crawlers, sometimes called robots or spiders, to scan your website and index it. You can install several plugins with certain platforms that can turn your technical SEO around. However, make sure you research your options before committing.

There is an overwhelming amount of resources and services that can get you on the right track with varying prices. However, not all function the same.

If you are working on a budget, it is unlikely that you want to spend thousands of dollars a month on marketing. So when you are looking for a good hosting platform, keep in mind items like:

You can ask the provider about these options or check reviews before committing to a plan.

Also, make sure that your website is mobile-friendly, as most users now use their cellphones and tablets for their searches.

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Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is essentially an external marketing strategy. It includes methods like:

  • Link building
  • Social media marketing
  • Reviews
  • Brand awareness

Link building especially is crucial to your rankings. Google, and other search engines, will recognize your site as an authoritative site if other experts in your industry link back to it. 

SEO for businesses can establish your company as a leading expert in the field as long as you provide accurate and valuable content. Your brand will benefit from the optimization of a strategic plan.

Luckily, you don’t have to do it all alone. Managed SEO services can alleviate stress and bring your brand to the front page. For more information, click here!

On-Page SEO

The benefits of SEO are evident in how well some small businesses can grow and expand. But what is their secret, and how can you reap those same benefits?

As mentioned above, creating accurate and valuable content is vital. This is called on-page SEO. However, giving your audience something to read is only the beginning.

When creating content, whether it is a blog post, a site page, or the homepage, you need to optimize it. 

You can do that by including keywords on-brand in your titles, your text, and your URLs. Make sure you are using optimized images as well.

To optimize images, you can:

  • Add keywords to the file name
  • Optimize size file
  • Add keywords to the description

Different Types of SEO: Start Optimizing Today!

The importance of SEO is more significant than ever before. There are different types of SEO, and all are as important as the other. Luckily there are services that will get you on the right track.

Are you looking for more advice on SEO for businesses? Check out the rest of our blog!