Common Queries About Blue Lizard Australian Face Sunscreen

If you’re considering joining the many who already enjoy what Blue Lizard Australian Face Sunscreen offers, then you may have some questions you want answered before you take the plunge and purchase some for yourself.

To help you in this regard, we’re now going to look at some of the most commonly asked questions about the product, to give you a broad overview of what you can expect when using it. So, if you’re ready for lots of useful information – let’s get started!

Question : When should I switch from baby sunscreen to kids sunscreen for my child?

That is a call you’ll need to make as a parent, but we’d usually say you should switch from Baby Blue Lizard Face sunscreen to the kids variety when they start to toddle i.e. when they begin to walk on their own and need the extra protection as they venture out from the shade. 

Question : Does Blue Lizard sunscreen offer broad spectrum protection?

Absolutely it does yes, as both UVA and UVB rays can cause damage to the skin, so it’s imperative that the product you use protects against both. UVB rays in particular can even damage your skin when it’s cloudy, so if you don’t have both – you’re not properly protected.

Question : What does waterproof mean with sunscreen?

It’s actually a term that’s not allowed by the FDA, as there’s no such thing as waterproof sunscreen. Sure, you have water resistant sunscreens that last up to 80 minutes when sweating or swimming, but it still needs to be reapplied afterwards.

Question : Does Blue Lizard Australian Face Sunscreen work straight away?

Actually, yes it does. Standard chemical varieties of sunscreen can take up to half an hour before it’s safe to go out in the sun after application. It’s because of how they have to be absorbed to protect against the sun’s rays. However, mineral sunscreen works the instant it is applied – so you can go out straight after you’ve put it on!

Question : Can Blue Lizard Face Sunscreen be worn under makeup or over moisturizer?

Absolutely, yes it can. If wearing with moisturizer, just make sure that your moisturizer has fully absorbed before applying your Blue Lizard mineral sunscreen. If, however, you’re wearing it under makeup, rub in your sunscreen and let it dry before putting your makeup on. This will make sure you get the full protection it provides.

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Question : Is regular Blue Lizard sunscreen safe for kids?

Ideally, you should be using the brand’s child formula to make sure that no unnecessary irritation occurs, but you should be safe using standard mineral sunscreen on children over 6 months of age. You can tell how gentle they are, as they’re the number one recommended sunscreen for kids.

Question : Is Blue Lizard a Non-comedogenic product?

Yes, they are, which is why those with acne can also enjoy the benefits provided. They’re all fully tested and will absolutely not clog your pores.

Blue Lizard Australian Face Sunscreen Is Popular For a Reason

So, as we can see, Blue Lizard mineral sunscreen is a waterproof, child-friendly product that offers broad spectrum protection and won’t aggravate your acne! It can even be worn with moisturizer and makeup!

We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading our blog and that it has hopefully cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about these mineral-based options.