Ecommerce Marketing Guide Guide

We have studied surveys that were made in 2012. According to them, 43% of Americans were ordering goods from online shops, almost the same percentage doesn’t mind spending money in online and offline markets and only 13% preferred physical stores.

Ecommerce, that is more known as online shopping for non-involved people, is becoming more and more popular. it can be hardly surprising as the area offers more competitive prices and bigger assortment in comparison with local stores.

Online buying is convenient as it can be: the purchase can be made at home or in the bus on your way to home from work – the purchase can be done at any moment in time. However, the conversions for the first-timers are very low, not more than 5% finish ordering while others leave their carts with products and go to other pages or simply close the tab.

Nice and pleasant website is, unfortunately, not enough and marketers should scratch heads over the problem how to bring the clients back and get more from the traffic they have. There are different strategies specially designed for.

What ecommerce is about?

What ecommerce

To say it as simple as possible, it is a practice designed for attracting clients to the ecommerce website and encourages them to buy a certain product or service via Internet. It includes the following approaches:

SEO, for the website to have higher positions in search results.
Affiliation to famous websites with the help of affiliate marketing platforms and banner campaigns;

Email marketing to retain current clients.

Ecommerce marketing platform is highly appreciated nowadays as it helps to offer goods to clients all over the world and doesn’t have to suffer losses for salaries, staff education, rents and so on. However, they may face another problem in high expenses for traffic attraction. We are inclined to think that it can be escaped if the process is well tuned and smart.

Employ or not employ ecommerce?

The ideas we have already described must be very tempting, however some retailers do not hurry to open online store and keep working in offline area only to make visiting of their shop as something special and unusual. There is no problem about that, probably such business is not focused on expanding their business or sell on competitive price.

If you want to have your business working farther than your city or country, you will have to create your own website and constantly work on it.

Who are regular buyers for ecommerce?

We have recently entered totally online world and young generation has grown up with gadgets and they are more open to contact ecommerce business. Older generations mostly prefer visiting traditional stores.

Main problem the vendors should obligatory solve here is data security, as users trust a lot of personal data like address, credit cards and so on. Insecurity of this information or financial safety violation even in one case will disrupt your reputation once and forever.

Ecommerce plan

Ecommerce plan

Actually, there are 3 stages according to which the whole business is run:

  • to help customers in finding a website;
  • turning visitors into regular clients;
  • website evaluation and post-sale marketing to encourage buyers purchase more and again.

The first two points are closely connected with each other. Simple attraction is half of the business, there should be a campaign developed to persuade purchasing. Visitors become clients when had a good experience with your website. The quality and price are important, but the former point is also significant. For example, you sell mobile phones. A visitor may have a ready-made decision which model he is interested in. Your ad from search result can seem tempting, but if your website is too heavy or inconvenient, there is a great chance you will lose a customer and he will be taken by your rivals who have higher prices but more pleasant exterior.

The area is very popular and we suppose that you may have some questions to ask – write us to get more information.