The alleged health benefits and comfort provisions have made Himalayan salt lamps to become popular in recent years. They mostly appeal to those who desire to take a more natural approach to their lifestyle. The Himalayan salt lamps are made of both small and huge chunks of salt crystals. Most are curved-out at the center to make room for light and heat source (bulb). Many individuals use their Himalayan salt lamps as an ornamental element in their homes. They are usually placed in areas where individuals spend most of their time click here for where to place it? For instance, people place Himalayan salt lamps in their bedrooms and offices. The salt lamps are believed to purify the air by filtering dust particles through hygroscope which attracts water molecules from the atmosphere.
Danger Posed to Pets by Himalayan Salt Lamps
Despite having multiple benefits, veterinarians have warned that Himalayan salt lamps can be dangerous for pets like cats. The warning comes after most veterinarians have received numerous cases of salt poisoning by pets. The Himalayan salt lamp may be thought of as a decoration in many households due to the alleged health benefits. However, the health benefits do not involve the pets; instead, it poses a significant threat to their health. The Himalayan salt lamp contains huge salt crystals, which attract pets like cats and dogs to lick.

The main reason why salt lamps pose a significant threat to you, either your cats or dogs health is that salt is toxic to both animals. It is referred to as sodium poisoning. The risk of cats licking salt lamps is higher compared to dogs. The toxicity caused by licking excessive salt results in having severe health issues. The cats display signs such as diarrhea, vomiting, walking drunk, lethargy, excessive thirst and urination. There is also potential injury to the kidneys, seizures, coma and abnormal fluid accumulation in its body and even death if it is not treated immediately.
Pets like dogs and cats are only recommended to consume an estimated 16.5mg of salt. However, most cats outnumber the required amount and exceed especially is the cat has stayed long before it has consumed any salts. If you suspect that your cat has consumed an excessive amount of salt from your Himalayan salt lamp, take it to the nearest veterinarian immediately.
Himalayan salt lamps and kids
Himalayan salt lamps are a great source of negative ions. Also, their hygroscopic properties allow them to improve the air in the rooms they are kept in by absorbing molecules of dirt and dust particles. The Himalayan lamp will also minimize the effects of electromagnetic radiation released from electronics. Himalayan salt lamps are both beneficial and dangerous for kids. They present alleged health benefits to kids and are also a threat to their health if they easily accessed by kids.

Benefits of Salt Lamps to Kids
Himalayan salt lamps release negative air ions which help to reduce anxious feelings and promote peaceful environments for sleeping. Irregular sleeping patterns and higher anxiety levels are the most concerns for most parents. The Himalayan salt lamps help to reduce this anxiety by reducing the anxiety levels for children and generating relaxing and soothing environments they can sleep in. The Himalayan salt lamps are hygroscopic.
They purify the air by absorbing dust particles and water molecules carrying dangerous particles containing bacteria and other allergies. The water then re-evaporates into the air because of heat from the bulb in the salt lamp, leaving behind all particles it was carrying. Cleaning and purifying the air is beneficial for kids who have respiratory problems such as asthma. It is from these qualities that make Himalayan salt lamps be good purifiers of air. They also help in the mood management of the kids.

Himalayan salt lamps have a soft natural glow which relieves and relaxes the eyes and mind. Kids display fatigue that is believed to emerge from electromagnetic radiation. The Himalayan salt lamps reduce the effects caused by electronics by releasing negative ions, which eliminate anxieties and moods.
Disadvantages of Himalayan Salt Lamps to kids
Despite the numerous benefits Himalayan salt lamps have for kids, they also pose a threat to their health as well as to the durability of the salt lamps. Just as Himalayan salt lamp causes sodium poisoning to pets, it does the same to children who can lick an excessive amount of salt. An excessive amount of salt consumption is dangerous for your kid’s health. It can cause signs such as hypertension, gastric agony and seizures. Also, kids are known to explore and are attracted to colorful objects such as the pink Himalayan salt lamps. They can, therefore, burn themselves with the attractive lighting of the salt lamps and even damage the Himalayan salt lamps as they try to reach for them. It is vital to keep your Himalayan salt lamp out of reach of your kids.