5 Ways to Fix Your Sleeping Schedule


Getting enough sleep is super important. 

It’s a vital pillar of health and wellness, and we literally need it to survive.  

And when you don’t get enough of it, your mind and body just aren’t going to be able to perform at peak efficiency. 

You’ll struggle with energy, you won’t feel good, your mind will feel sluggish, you’ll be more likely to feel stressed out—and over time, this will lead to sleep deprivation, which can have other long-term negative health consequences. 

Therefore, it’s in your best interest to do whatever it takes to make sure that your sleep habits actually work for you—and part of that process will mean fixing your sleep schedule to give you more of the vital rest that you need.  

And in this post, you’re going to learn five tips to make that happen. 

1. Do Yoga

Yoga has many health benefits. 

However, a lot of people don’t understand that yoga can also be a powerful discipline to help your sleeping habits. 

Yoga helps you to relax. It also helps you to stretch your muscles and improve overall circulation.

But it also boasts a range of other benefits, including:

  • Improving strength and balance
  • Increasing flexibility
  • Decreasing back pain
  • Easing arthritis symptoms
  • Increasing heart health
  • Increased energy levels and mood

And best of all—a bit of yoga done at any point in the day is highly likely to impact your sleeping schedule for the better

Are you interested in a fun tip? You can actually combine marijuana with yoga to give you a double dose of sleep-inducing power. 

It actually works, as cannabis can also help you to sleep!

2. Go To Bed Every Night At A Consistent Time

All too often, we tend to let our schedules get the best of us. 

One night, you may go to bed at 7 pm—and the next night, you may stay up till 2 am.

These varied sleep times may make sense when we think about some of the activities we’d like to pursue. 

However, it’s important to understand that going to bed at consistent times can actually do a lot to help you regulate your sleep schedule and get a better night’s rest.

3. Avoid Using Devices In The Hours Leading Up To Bedtime

Electronic devices like tablets, smartphones, etc. emit blue light that can trick the brain into thinking that it’s actually daytime. 

This can throw off your natural circadian rhythm, which can inhibit your body’s ability to fall asleep when it’s time to rest. 

For best results, turn off the devices and leave them be for at least two hours before going to bed. 

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4. Avoid Drinking Caffeine Later In The Day 

A lot of people don’t realize that caffeine stays in your body for much longer than is commonly understood. 

In fact, caffeine consumed through coffee or an energy drink can actually stay in your body for up to 10 hours.

This means that if you drink some caffeine in the afternoon, it may still keep you awake even during and after the time you’re supposed to be asleep. 

For best results, drink your last caffeinated beverage before lunchtime. 

In the afternoon, opt for beverages that don’t contain any caffeine.

5. Try To De-Stress

Stress can actually do a number on our sleep patterns. 

It can cause us to stay awake when we should otherwise be resting, and can lead to many sleepless nights—and hence, can seriously increase our risk for experiencing insomnia and sleep deprivation. 

Try to relax, de-stress, and chill out before bedtime by taking care of any unfinished business and enjoying some leisurely/relaxing activities before actually hitting the pillow. 

Try reading a book, listening to some relaxing music, or talking to a friend to clear your mind. 


It’s crucial not to underestimate the importance of a quality night’s rest. 

When we get plenty of sleep, we wake up feeling recharged and ready to face the challenges of the day. 

Failing to get adequate sleep, however, can really do a number to your mental and physical well-being. 

So make sure that you get plenty of rest, so that you can stay healthy and ‘ready to go’ for the day ahead.