Making money on the internet could be an answer to your financial problems. If you have been unhappy with your current work and are willing to quit it to work online or would like to create a project as a passive source of income, the ideas below should come in quite handy.
Learn to Design Custom Merch
Let’s start with custom merchandise. Even if you have no prior graphic design experience, you can still learn how to design custom hoodies, t-shirts, sneakers, and other products and sell them on an online store you develop.
At the same time, you could take a different approach and focus on polishing your design skills rather than developing an online store from scratch. Once you are comfortable with your designing skills, you can join already established stores that sell custom merchandise and work as a designer there.
The bottom line is that there is money to be made in the custom print-on-demand industry, and if you feel like this idea is up your alley, do not hesitate and give it a try.
Start a Dropshipping Venture
Ecommerce continues to grow rapidly, and this trend started way before the pandemic that led to people shopping online because brick-and-mortar stores had to close. 60% of millennials in 2019 preferred to shop online, which is a good example of how large ecommerce is.
Given the popularity, you could also join the industry and start a dropshipping venture. Working as a middleman is easier and less risky because you will rely on suppliers rather than having to invest in your own warehouse and manufacturing equipment. Not to mention looking for a company that will deliver goods to customers.
Keep in mind, though, that if you decide to try dropshipping, expect to spend a lot of time researching the marketing and coming up with your product idea because the competition is quite tough, even in less popular markets.
Fill Out Online Surveys
Thanks to Swagbucks, Inbox Dollar, and other similar services, you can fill out online surveys using your computer or mobile devices and make money. Of course, this gig is not something you can do eight hours a day because you will run out of available surveys. However, if you have an hour or so to spare and would like to use that time to make some extra money, online surveys are a decent choice.
On average, it takes about one hour to complete five surveys. That should net you somewhere between 10 to 20 dollars. It might not seem like much, but it is still better than nothing, particularly when you consider how simple the work is.
Become a Virtual Assistant
Not everyone manages to meet their deadlines. When that happens, hiring a virtual assistant makes sense, even if you have to pay them.
There are plenty of VA gigs one can find on Fiverr, Upwork, social media groups, and other channels that offer freelancer work.
The pay might be low at first because your employer is unlikely to trust you early. Nor will they give you important work. You will have to impress them with your diligence and other qualities. If you do, you can expect better pay and more important duties.
Working as a virtual assistant will also give you an opportunity to get a reference that might come in handy in the future. A recommendation from a person who hired you as a VA might hold significant weight in your job interviews.
Educate Others
Some people believe that investing money in their education is the best way to get the best ROI. Learning new skills or improving a current repertoire opens new opportunities career-wise.
The demand for online education is there. Even if you have no educational background yourself, you can still make money by creating online courses. Pick a topic, find multiple sources for material, and compile the information into easy-to-digest courses that you can sell on Skillshare or Udemy.
Teaching people one-on-one on Skype or Discord is also an option, but it might be difficult to find pupils if you have no prior experience as a teacher.
Stream on Twitch TV
Streaming on Twitch TV could be your answer if you have an entertaining personality and believe that interacting with a live audience while playing video games or doing other activities is an environment you would thrive in.
Money comes after you establish your channel and get consistent viewer numbers. Watchers donate and send bits to support streamers. Subscribing also sends part of the fee to a streamer. Finally, if there are enough viewers, you can expect to get sponsorship deals and promote various goods or services to viewers.