Steps to Figuring Out Your Personal Jewelry Style

There are thousands of fashion jewelry brands out there and settling on the right jewelry brand or pieces that suit you is no easy feat. However, it’s of utmost importance to identify your personal jewelry style as jewelry lends a helping hand in defining your style and personality.

Whether you’re a minimalist who wears jewelry from time to time or a hardcore jewelry lover who can’t do without jewelry, you need to understand your personal style.

When you identify your personal jewelry style, you’ll be able to bring out the right impression of who you are from the jewelry you choose to don. So, how do you go about finding your personal style? Here are some crucial steps to help you:

Take a look at your closet

It’s about time you tore through your wardrobe and selected the pieces that you like most. Take note of the styles that are prevalent. What are the dominant colors, fabric, prints, shapes, or fabric? In short, what is common among these outfits? This will help you identify your signature look quite easily.

Take a look at your closet

Once you pin down your signature look, you should be in a good position to figure out the jewelry or fashion jewelry brands that complement these outfits.

Your daily activities

Another key step to identifying your personal style is keeping an eye on the activities you engage in on a daily basis. This might not be easy, but once you get to it, you realize that your daily activities play a part in the jewelry items or fashion jewelry brands you choose to wear.

For instance, business news presenters or people in sales careers go for earrings or necklaces that draw attention to their faces. Bloggers or people who are mostly on their laptops prefer to wear rings, bangles, or bracelets.

What this means is that people tend to go for jewelry pieces that not only bring out their best features but also those that complement their daily routine.

Your favorite jewelry pieces

Another elementary sign that points to your personal style is your favorite jewelry pieces. These are clear as day indicators of jewelry style that you gravitate towards. It could be the ring you got on your birthday or a special bracelet you got from your partner.

Your favorite jewelry pieces

If a certain jewelry piece rocks your world, then get more pieces of the same kind. This is a sure win as you will be staying true to yourself.

Favorite colors

Again, look into your closet and identify the most dominant color. Also, establish the colors that look best on you and note the color of the outfit that gets the most compliments when you wear it.

For instance, if you have hazel eyes, you might lean towards a blue dress because it makes your eyes look stunning. Donning green color jewelry will draw attention to blue eyes. Experiment with different colors and find what suits you the most.

There are many fashion jewelry brands out there, and this is an added advantage because it means there is a broad palette of jewelry options to experiment with. Experimenting will, no doubt, help you identify your style. Of course, stay true to yourself by going for jewelry pieces that you already like and jewelry pieces that are in your favorite color.