Your body cannot survive without food and water but the consumption of contaminated water or food will get parasites in your body. The microorganisms are hard to notice in food or in water and they are the most common form of life on Earth. There are basically two types of parasites- one is found in the human body and is known as endoparasites and ectoparasites which can cause an infection from outside the body. It is easy to get rid of parasites if you know the kind of parasite that has infected your body.
What is a Parasitic Infection?
Almost 85% of Americans are infected with a certain type of parasite. They range from microscopic to large worms which can reach several feet in length. There are some parasites which generate noticeable symptoms than others but they all are problematic. At the very least, parasites can lead to trouble in your immune system and could use up the energy in your body. This means your body is susceptible to illness and will absorb fewer nutrients from the food you consume. Parasites can also lead to long term health complications including death. It is important to understand the difference between good and bad bacteria and ensure that the good bacteria grow inside your gut while the bad bacteria is eliminated.
Here are a few common symptoms which indicate the presence of parasites inside the body:
- Dehydration or vomiting
- Stomach pain
- Flu-like symptoms
- Weight loss
- Pain and aches
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Gas or constipation
- Skin redness, rashes or itching.
There are many types of parasites that could be present inside the body. Some are expelled from the body on their own but for many others, you might need to take additional steps. There is oral medication to treat parasites and it has proven to be effective. Alternatively, there are home remedies that can help you in the cleansing process. A cleansing process is highly recommended to everyone at least once in a year.
Different ways you can clean parasites from your body
1.Anti Parasite Diet

In the cleansing process, the most important thing is a balanced diet. Your diet should be low in sugar and high in nutrients. Try to include onions and garlic in your diet because they are rich in antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Stay away from processed foods, alcohol, carbs and any food which has high sugar content. You should also avoid dairy products for a couple of weeks in order to stop the parasites from growing inside your body.
2. Look after your liver
Your liver does the best cleansing for your body. It removes toxins from your blood and enhances digestion. In the process of cleansing, your body will ask for extra support in order to function properly. As parasites start dying off, it impacts your liver. You will need to look after your liver and provide complete support for it to function effectively.
3. Use natural supplements

One of the 5 ways to clean parasites is to use natural supplements like black walnut, olive leaf, wormwood, papaya seed, and oregano oil. These supplements have anti-parasitic properties and will be effective in getting rid of parasites from your body.
4. Remain well hydrated
You need to remain hydrated enough to allow the system to flush out toxins with ease. In addition to water, you need to consume apple cider vinegar, lemon water and a few drops of grapefruit seed extract regularly. It weakens the parasites and helps build a strong gut in your body.
5. Practice self-care

It is tough to go through parasite cleansing. It has an impact on your body internally and externally. Hence, you need to take care of your body throughout the process of cleansing. You can do this by keeping yourself hydrated, enriching your diet with fiber and herbs and allow yourself to relax.
The easiest way to control infection is to prevent it. However, it is not in your hands at times when the body shows symptoms of an infection. This is when you can opt for natural methods mentioned above to clean your body of parasites. You need to remain patient throughout the process of cleansing and remember that you will not be able to see the results overnight. It is a tough process and will take time. The process of cleansing your body of the toxins will slowly have a positive impact on your health and body.