CBD in Fashion: Why Many Beauty Brands are Banking on Cannabis?

Cannabis is regarded as a psychotic drug as it contains a huge number of stimulating cannabinoids. The market name for the same is very popular amongst the drug addicts- Marijuana. Because of its psychotic nature, there is a contemplation regarding the legality of cannabis or cannabis oil. But, one thing is certain- like many other essential or natural oils, cannabis oil has carved it’s way into the beauty industry.

Standing in today’s world, a beautician relies of CBD oil more than anything else. Despite the side effects associated with the over consumption of the herb, it is believed to be the next super oil of the beauty industry.

So, before going into the details, let’s have a look at different facts about the cannabis oil.

What is cannabis oil?

Cannabis is a special kind of herb that can be used as both psychotic and anti-drug product. There are a lot of different species belonging to this genus, each having multiple benefits.

What is cannabis oil

In earlier days, cannabis was used to nalleviate the pain, and other health problems. In recent years, the use of the herb has been introduced to many other fields, including body building and beauty.

How does cannabis work on the body?

Cannabis is one such drug which triggers the receptors present in numerous skin cells. The cannabinoids help to activate the endocannabinoid receptor cells, thus helping your body to cope with different problems.

Normally, two different cannabinoid receptors are there- CB1 and the CB2. You will find the CB1 receptor in the cells of brain, lungs, kidney and liver whereas the immunity system and hematopoietic system have CB2 receptors. The action of cannabis can be seen in the enhanced state of multiple physiological processes including maintaining the appetite, health of the heart, and the normal homeostasis.

How cannabis is helping to bring in a revolution in the beauty industry?

Though there is no direct proof that cannabis indeed is perfect for bringing in perfection to your skin, many beauticians and experts are stating that this herb will going to be the next super oil.

Thanks to the multiple benefits, cannabis can now act on several skin and hair problems, thus making one look flawless. Prolonged and regular use of the cannabis beauty product is enough to make your look radiant and dazzling.

Is cannabis helpful in treating acne?

Acne is one such skin problem which is mainly formed because of the sebum accumulation within the skin pores. The sebum or the oil is produced from the sebaceous gland located in the dermis. When the oil gets stuck in the skin pores, it traps the germs and dust.

Is cannabis helpful in treating acne

This trapped sebum with germs and dust forms a perfect habitat for bacterial growth. This leads to the formation of acnes and pimples on your face. The skin gets inflamed and sometimes gets hotter because of the infection. This is where the cannabis oil comes into the roleplay.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the herb helps to reduce the inflammations by squeezing out the deposited sebum from between the skin pores.

How cannabis oil is enhancing the activities of antiaging creams?

The increased number of free radicals in the blood can cause premature aging of the skin. As a result, you lose the youthful charm and your skin starts wrinkling. You can easily find the epidermis around your eyes and the cheeks becoming shaggy and dull.

Cannabis oil has proven to be extremely beneficial in treating these kinds of aging problems. The antioxidants present in the form of cannabinoids help to lower the number of free radicals which otherwise cause the oxidation of skin cells.

Prolonged use can result in the returning of the youth charm and radiance. The skin is stretched, thus removing the wrinkles or freckles if you have any.

Is the cannabis oil good for sensitive skin?

One of the possible skin problems that most of the people suffer is by having a sensitive skin. A sensitive skin is very much prone to allergies, inflammations, redness and so on. A slight change in the atmosphere can lead to a heated skin.

Cannabis oil has soothing agents. When you will apply the cream or oil on your sensitive skin, you will easily feel the soothing effect. The cannabinoids will trigger the immune cells, which will then act on lowering the sensitivity of the skin.

However, make sure that you are buying the cannabis beauty products from trustworthy platforms like the Industrialhempfarms. This will reduce the chances of you suffering from any side effect of the herb.

How Cannabis is helpful for the hairs?

How Cannabis is helpful for the hairs

After the skin, many professionals have tried using the Cannabis oil or products on the hair. The results earned prove that cannabinoids indeed enhance the strength of the hair and make it more lustrous and healthy.

  1. Cannabis is usually used in shampoos and conditioners because they act as natural moisturizer. Also, the presence of Vitamin E helps to keep the hair strands soft and supple.
  2. The proteins in the cannabis help in strengthening the hair strands.


Thus it is proved that the cannabis oil is extremely helpful in making your looks flawless and implicate. Just make sure you are using the correct product.