National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) studies show that low back pain is among the leading factors of disabilities in many workplaces. This condition is as a result of poor spinal health among many individuals. Many people fail to pay attention to the condition of their backs and necks, the two body parts that are solely responsible for proper posture and for ensuring that you are capable of performing everyday tasks like walking. It is vital to secure your spinal health now than regret later when you develop one form of disability or another, mentioned by Kama Deva Yoga. If you are a athlete and regularly working on the field. There might be so many chances when you get injured, to tackle those situation and get quick relief a Best Kinesiology Tape that’s applied strategically to the body to provide support, lessen pain, reduce swelling, and improve performance.
Learn How to Lift

we are never aware of the possibility of hurting our backs when lifting items from the ground. Poor form when lifting is one of the major causes of back injuries leading to disabilities. Key to note that it does not matter the weight you are lifting, you only need a little wrong twist to hurt your spine.
If you want to avoid such a scenario, check your form when lifting anything from the ground. You should get as close to the object as possible, then instead of bending your back, bend your knees so that you get your arms closer to the item, then lift up the object with the help of your legs keeping your back straight. If the item is too heavy, then simply ask for help instead of putting yourself at risk.
Exercise and Stretch

You really cannot avoid exercising and stretching to maintain a strong spine. People claim that they are too busy and that they barely find time to exercise. This is just but a lame excuse that may have you regretting later when you cannot perform the tasks you were so busy with initially. Set aside about 20 to 30 minutes to do some simple exercises and stretching to strengthen your muscles, spine included.
You don’t need to go to a gym since you can just do them at home. Warming up your muscles and stretching in the morning not only keeps your spine healthy, but also keeps your brain active for the day’s activities.
Avoid Sitting for Long Periods

Sitting exerts almost 90% more pressure on your spine than when standing. Most of today’s corporates spend a lot of time on their office chairs, then go straight to their cars and later their sofas at home. Such prolonged sitting is unhealthy and dangerous. When in the office, take breaks after every 30 to 45 minutes to walk around and stretch. Take time to work on a desk that requires you to stand and if you are sitting, make sure that sits upright. If you can, ride a bicycle to work sometimes and try to create time to walk. You can park your car a little further away from your office and walk the distance.
Watch Your Weight

Along with regular exercise, it is important that you watch what you eat. It is pointless to burn some calories only to add double the amount with poor feeding habits. Heavyweight puts a serious toll on your spine and may soon lead to a disability. Avoid too much junk food, beer, and processed foods.
Avoid smoking and ensure that you drink enough water. Take a lot of vegetables and fruits while minimizing your starch and protein intake.
Take Time to Rest

Our busy schedules keep us in a rat race that we forget to set aside time for rest. Your body is not a machine that can go on forever without taking a break. You need time to just relax and meditate. Ensure that you get at least six to seven hours of deep and restorative sleep in a comfortable environment.
This helps rejuvenate your cells and mind and restores your energy. Avoid the corporate madness of trying to work continuously as it can have serious effects on your overall health, and worse, it can even be fatal.
Listen to Your Body

Never ignore any warning signs of back pains. These pains usually start as a small twitch, then progress to something serious with time. Listen to your body and respond appropriately. If you even suspect anything like a small twitch, have it checked to avoid serious ailments later. It is always better to be safe when it comes to your body and health.